JMAFC Hapkido 정 무 합기도 센터

Hap Ki Do

The way of coordinated power

HAPKIDO is a Korean Martial Art of Self-Defense. Hapkido is a system of using empty hands and weapons techniques. Students learn to defend against both armed and unarmed combatants. The word Hapkido means “the way of coordinated power”.

“Hap” means to coordinate. To harmonize, “Ki” means energy.

“Ki” is the result of our physical and mental response to outside stimuli, that prepares us to perform some type of physical action in response to those stimuli. In very basic terms it is our body’s release of the hormone adrenaline working in balanced harmony with our intellect and our will to survive.

“Do” means the way of life, or path that we follow to realize the harmonizing of that energy. “Our Hapkido Journey”.

Jung Moo Hapkido 정 무 합기도

Jung Moo Hapkido (Pronounced: Chong MooJung Moo Hapkido is a dynamic, all-encompassing curriculum. It includes devastating strikes, kicks, joint-locks, and throws. It also uses pressure points, weapons, meditation practices and has a strong emphasis on character cultivation. Jung Martial Arts Family Center provides students with complete, authentic instruction in the Korean Martial Art of Hapkido. The curriculum taught includes the history, traditions, philosophical aspects in addition to the realistic self-defense concepts, methods and techniques of Hapkido. JMAFC is an Authentic Hapkido Learning Center.

The Jung Moo Hapkido curriculum emphasizes circular motion, breathing techniques and non-resisting movements to gain control of the opponent. As a result, the Hapkidoin, (practitioner), seeks to use footwork and body positioning to break balance. leverage is used to avoid the use of strength against strength.

HapKiDo Weapons Training

Hapkido weapons training consists of knife training, short stick, medium stick, walking cane, rope, long staff and sword. Advanced Black Belt students also participate in firearms training. As a student, you learn to use these weapons so that you may learn to also defend against them. Training with weapons in Hapkido is done in a manner that teaches the student to adapt the concepts of these weapons systems into the use of everyday items found around your everyday environment. The Hapkido student learns anything can be used as a defensive weapon. Even a common shopping bag. The defensive concepts of Hapkido can be used to defend against common weapons such as firearms, broken bottles, baseball bats, etc.

HapKiDo is the Science of Self-Defense - Not a Sport

Hapkido is the study of the Physiological, Philosophical and Psychological aspects of Self-defense. From a philosophical standpoint, it also includes a strong ethical code that cultivates strong moral values. From a psychological standpoint, the training teaches us how to stay in control under stress and in crisis situations.  And from Physiological standpoint, Jung Moo Hapkido is realistic self-defense based on physics and biologyJung Moo Hapkido skills are used for the improvement and protection of yourself or your loved ones.

What separates Hapkido from other martial arts, is the fact that it has no sport component. In a self-defense situation on the street there are no judges, buzzers or whistles to stop the action. On the street there is no point system for kick or strike sparring. On the street there is no time out or tap out for submissions. Hapkido is a Martial Art of combat. It is designed to stop an attacker quickly and efficiently. Even against multiple attackers if needed. For these reasons, there are no “forms” or pattern pre-sets in the Martial Art of Hapkido. While forms are excellent for building strength, coordination, concentration and fluidity in movement, the imprinting, “Neuroplasticity” that result is actually contrary to actual situations involving interpersonal violent aggression. This is based on science not opinion.

Hapkido concepts, methods and techniques are often taught to Law Enforcement Special Operations and Military worldwide. It provides both lethal and non-lethal controlling techniques so that an individual can employ only the amount of force needed for the situation. It is a Martial Art that truly has something for all, regardless of age or ability.

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JMAFC Hapkido

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