JMAFC Instructors and staff

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jung martial arts family center

At Jung Martial Arts Family Center, our Instructors hold genuine, Internationally Certified rankings and must meet stringent qualifications. They have been professionally trained to pass on the correct knowledge and skill sets to students. This ensures the continuation of the high standards and authenticity of the art of HapkiDo

There is often a misconception that having a Black belt makes a person qualified to teach others. This is false and damaging to not only the art, but also the individuals being instructed. The art passed down to others in this manner is degraded and inferior. Earning a Black Belt means that they have graduated from the color belt ranks and have built a foundation on which to learn. Not teach.

Having a Black Belt of any rank or style does not in itself qualify someone to be an instructor regardless of degree ranking. At Jung Martial Arts, our instructors hold genuine, Internationally Certified rankings and must meet stringent qualifications. They have been professionally trained to teach others to pass on the correct knowledge and skill sets to others. This ensures the continuation of the high standards and authenticity of the art. JMAFC Instructor’s and Black Belt holders are proud members of the Korea Hapkido Federation. 

Miss Colleen

Apprentice Instructor

Belt Grading Review Board

The JMAFC Belt Grading Review Board is a group of HapKiDo Black Belts, Instructors and Apprentice Instructors, (Instructor trainees), that review each color belt student that is a candidate for a belt rank upgrade. They play a crucial role in making sure that the high training standards are being met and that each student is continuing to advance to their own personal potential.