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March – Adult Color Belt Grading Results


The second day of spring was cold and wet outside but the rumble of thunder in Montoursville was coming from the mat at JMAFC Hapkido!  

In last evenings adult class 25 genuinely dedicated Hapkidoin came together to assist with belt grading. 10 Hapkidoin graded up after going three rounds in the adult level spirit circle! Each took their turn, in the dynamic spirit circle, defending against their classmates as they were repeatedly attacked with punches, kicks, and attempts at grappling. Those testing for 3rd gup through 1st gup, demonstrated their knowledge and proficiency with their locking concepts, blindfolded.

They all did amazing!!

A very special thank you to the members of the adult classes that gave of their time and sweat to help their classmates achieve their personal goals. We are truly honored to be with you on your Hapkido journey.