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Happy Anniversary JMAFC

30 Years of HapKiDo excellence!

Today, as we mark the 30th anniversary of our very first HapKiDo class as JMAFC, we are filled with immense gratitude and pride. Reaching this milestone would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication from each and every one of our students, parents and extended HapKiDo family.

To our students, both past and present, your commitment to learning and growing has been the heartbeat of our school. Your hard work, discipline, and passion for martial arts have inspired us every day and have helped shape our Dojang into the thriving community it is today.

To the parents, your trust and encouragement have been fundamental to our success. By allowing us to guide your children and support their HapKiDo journey, you have played a crucial role in nurturing their development and confidence.

To our HapKiDo friends and extended martial arts community, your camaraderie and collaboration have enriched our experiences. The friendships and connections we have forged over the years are invaluable, and we are deeply thankful for your ongoing support.

As we look back on three decades of shared triumphs, challenges, and unforgettable moments, we also look forward with excitement to the future. We are committed to continuing our mission of fostering excellence in Jung Mu HapKiDo.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

With love, respect and gratitude

Terry & Ava O’Connell