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Memorial Day Reminder

Dear JMAFC Hapkido Family,

As a reminder; In observance of Memorial Day, JMAFC will be closed today. Today we honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

This day is a time for reflection and gratitude. It is a solemn reminder of the courage, dedication, and selflessness of those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms. Their sacrifices allow us to live in a free nation where we can pursue our passions and dreams, including the practice of Hapkido.

As we take this day to honor our fallen heroes, we encourage you to spend time with your loved ones, reflecting on the true meaning of this holiday. Let us remember the values of courage, honor, and sacrifice that these heroes embodied, and let these values inspire us in our daily lives.

We look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow, refreshed and inspired by the legacy of those who have served and sacrificed for our country.

With love, gratitude and respect,