September 2024 Kids Belt Grading

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On Saturday, five very dedicated HapKIDo kiddos, ranging in age from 6 to 9, graded up after they demonstrated their required skill sets for their age groups in front of the Black Belts on the review board. 2 of the students testing for the rank of advanced green demonstrated their conceptual knowledge blindfolded, including their Kyukpha (Breaking) requirement.

When it came time to do their required breaking technique, each one demonstrated their ability to generate power through correct technique, using the proper striking surface, while coordinating their breath and motion. One six-year-old from the Tiny Tiger class, set the board breaking bar high for his classmates. When asked what level of board he wanted, he replied…” the hardest one you got sir”. With a combination of confidence and fortitude he was successful. Everyone after that chose the hardest board. Even the kids testing for advanced green who did their break blindfolded.  Over time this repetitive focus of mind, strengthening of the body and calmness of spirit will find its way into all aspects of their life. The HapKiDo Journey!

Congratulations and well done to these young Hapkidoin and their parents, who support them on their journey of self-discovery! 

always earned! never given!

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