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Another awesome day on the mat at JMAFC Hapkido in Montoursville!
Belt grading was held today for 18 young Hapkidoin, ranging in age from 5 to 12, who recently earned their fourth stripe in their respective classes.
They learned important lessons about courage and commitment as they demonstrated their required skill sets for their age groups, by going three rounds in the spirit circle, in front of 5 Black Belts on the grading review board. After their third round, each one successfully completed their Kyukpha (Breaking) requirement!
A very special thank you to Black Belt Gage Hubbell who sat on today’s review board. Gage, who recently returned home from US Army training, began his Hapkido journey at JMAFC when he was 7 years old. Also, a special thank you to Black Belt Ryder who also has been a member of JMAFC since the age of 6, Black Belt John Dougherty, and Black Belt candidate Holly M. who assisted today. Holly will test for her Black Belt next month!
We love celebrating the accomplishments of our talented and dedicated students, instructors, and apprentice instructors at JMAFC.