NOTE: In class the instructor may modify, add, omit or substitute a particular element to accommodate students who have physical limitations due to age or disability. The Instructors always ensure that the syllabus modification will still develop strong defensive skill sets.
Self-Discipline (Jagi Guyul) 자기 규율
As you began your Hapkido journey as a white belt you were told to focus on believing in yourself and not giving in to those feelings of self-doubt. Consistency leads to competency and competency leads to confidence. The more confident you become the more consistent your skill sets become. It is a never-ending circular cycle that leads to proficiency. This cycle, however, depends on your commitment to consistency. In other words, it is dependent on your self-discipline. You must never give in to the temptation to take the easy way out. Self-Discipline and Self-Control are synonymous. Come to class and train! No matter how bad the day was, no matter how tired you are, you will find peace of mind on the mat!
Hapkido is a Martial Art rooted in the study of physical and intellectual science that explores the physiological, psychological, and philosophical connection between mind and body.
During your yellow belt training, you will take the lessons learned as a white belt about the basics of using movement to disrupt timing, distance and balance and apply them in conjunction with smooth circular motion. In controlling the movement of your opponent’s energy with circular motion you will begin to realize that you are also part of that same circular movement (HapKi).
You will begin your exploration of one of the core concepts of Hapkido; the Elbow press. (aka: the arm bar). Torque, Leverage and Compression.
As we move in a circular motion, we build up energy through momentum. It also allows us to direct our energy, or our opponent’s energy, in the direction we want it to go.
For example, when you execute a Turning Kick, (Dollyo Chagi), you build momentum as the energy transfers from your center axis out to your foot as your body rotates. The energy is then transferred to and through the target. This is Centrifugal force.
Another example of circular motion is when you execute a basic Armbar defense, (Kahlnuki), from an inside natural grip wrist grab. You begin to build momentum as your wrist, forearm and body transfers energy from your center axis, out through your opponent’s arm, as it also rotates then begins to return back towards your center. This is Centripetal force.
Now there are other things going on here such as leverage and compression, but we are only speaking about the circular motion at this moment.
In philosophical terms the circle represents the beginning and completion of a cycle. Everything in nature is in constant rotation. Everything ends where it began. The movement of our universe, our planet, our bodies, our lives.
(Pihada / Undong Il-Pal)
Now that you have advanced to yellow belt it is time to add movements 4 through 8. You will be instructed and practice all 8 of these movements at the beginning of every class, during the warm-up session. Your movement removes you from the direct path of your aggressor and places you in a position of advantage to apply your concepts and methods.
At the 6th Gup level, you use all eight movements during the application of your concepts. As you move in each direction, your goal is to maintain your balance and structure while taking control of your opponent’s balance and disrupting their structure. Be sure to utilize your stances to smoothly transition throughout your movement.
You will begin your exploration of one of the core concepts of Hapkido; the Elbow press. (aka: the arm bar). During the beginner levels of you Hapkido Journey, (White – Orange), you will become proficient in the Understanding and use of the Elbow Press or Armbar, (Kahlnuki). “Kahl” means blade or sharp edge. Kahlnuki refers to the use of the blade edge of the forearm. The Ulna bone. Although the term “elbow press” is frequently used for the downward armbar, it would be more accurate to refer to it as a triceps press, since the force is being put on the triceps tendon. Torque, Leverage and Compression.
It is important to remember to apply all the concepts and principles you learned at 7th Gup White belt. As previously stated, many locking concepts in Hapkido are first introduced by way of the wrist & cloth grabs. The wrist and clothing serve as platforms where many locking concepts can be initially learned and studied. It has nothing to do with the likelihood that someone might grab your wrist in a confrontation. You will use the Downward and Outward Elbow Press (Kahlnuki), as well as your stances, blocks, escapes & movement concepts together as you practice multiple variations of the Kahlnuki against the following;
손목Sonmok-sool Wrist grab defense
의복 Uibog-sool Clothing Grab Defense
방어Bhang gwon-sool
You will be introduced to the 5 basic gripping methods you will use with your training partner. Each grip you will learn various pressure points, tendon releases and various other physical attributes of grasping with the hand.
Learning to fall safely is an essential skill set that every student of Hapkido must develop and understand. Nakbup instruction is progressive and done on a special training mat under the guidance of the instructor. It may be instructed differently for older adults, or those with physical limitations.
The purpose of Nakbup is to teach you how to land safely and get back on your feet quickly. Through properly structured training, what was once a natural and real fear of falling, becomes second nature, performed without conscious thought. This allows you and your training partner to completely follow through with a technique.
The skill set of Nakbup may save you from serious bodily injury if you fall to a hard, unforgiving surface, whether it be dirt, concrete or rock, outside the safe environment of the dojang.
At 6th gup you are introduced to the prpper execution of the basic fist strikes. Just as before, remember to focus on three especially important aspects of your strikes. The proper striking surface, form, and body movement. You will find that although you will learn many different strikes throughout your Hapkido journey, the footwork and movement dynamics will be the same. It is vital to take your time and make each movement smooth and slow. Power will develop through proper execution of the technique. Speed will come through repetition.
Previously you were introduced to four kicks from just the linear family of kicks. At the 6th gup you add a kick from the circular kick family. There are three general families of kicks. Linear, Circular and Combination Motion. Remember, just as before, the proper striking surface, form and body movement are crucial. The support foot must be properly positioned to maximize the power and proper form as you execute your kicks. It is vital to take your time and make each movement smooth and slow. Power will develop through proper execution of the technique. Speed will come through repetition.
Erica Groff2024-07-06 Absolutely the best place to take your kids! They are absolutely amazing with all the kids, encouraging and motivating! Along with respect for them and the parents! And the communication with this is absolutely amazing!! Sha'ra F2024-06-23 I have 2 kids in Jung Martial Arts Family Center, and they both love it. Master Terry and Master Ava are wonderful with kids, teens and adults, alike. I love the affects of how taking martial arts in such a positive environment, continues to have on my boys. leonard duitch2024-06-23 Great mental and physical life lessons through Hap Ki Do from excellent teachers, Master Terry and Master Ava. Austin Benfer2024-06-23 My son, daughter, and myself all attend hapkido classes at Jung Martial Arts Family Center. Master Ava and Master Terry are amazing teachers who make the classes fun for the children. They help us build confidence with each new skill we learn. Overall this is a great place to learn martial arts whether you are an adult or child. Eric Steinbacher2024-06-23 This place is the best. My son has become so much more confident , and can defend himself better than ever. Definitely get signed up here asap, this place is top notch! Chelsia Diehl2024-06-23 We absolutely love it here! My oldest has been going for almost 2 years, I myself recently enrolled, and one of my girls is anxiously awaiting her 5th birthday so she can join too. Master Ava and Master Terry are wonderful instructors and role models, and it’s a wonderful family atmosphere. Highly recommend! renee smith2024-06-23 Andrew Lewis2024-02-05 Outstanding school with tremendous instructors in a welcoming environment. I earned my 1st Dan in Orthodox Hapkido while stationed in Korea during my Army service, and I can tell you that the Jung Martial Arts Family Center is the real deal. Highly recommend! Brett Welty2023-06-14 My son has been training at Jung Martial Arts Family Center (Hapkido) for over two years and my wife and I couldn’t be happier with the results. My son is learning about the art of self-defense, which teaches him balance, footwork, body positioning, how to breathe and several other components of Hapkido. However, more impressively to me, not only is he learning about self-defense, but he is also learning about critical life values such as honesty, integrity, respect, loyalty, courage, etc. With the top-notch instruction that he receives from the staff, he doesn’t just know to say those words (values), but he understands the meaning of the word(s) and how it applies to him. Overall, I believe Hapkido has impacted my son in an extremely positive way. Changing his attitude from self-doubt to I can do anything, no longer being timid in trying something new, and making better overall decisions on a daily basis. I highly recommend the Jung Martial Arts Family Center to anyone. I promise you will be impressed with the atmosphere and the outstanding Instructors! Jackie Sullivan2023-06-07 Jung Martial Arts Family Center teaches authentic Korean Hapkido. It is the perfect place to go for a family activity. Not only does our family bond more on the mat, we are also learning self defense while getting a good workout. Our children have been a part of Jung Martial Arts for several years. Not only have they learned good self defense skills, they also learned good morals and values off the mat. Jung Martial Arts is for anybody with any disability from ages 5 to, well if you are still alive to read this. I would have joined years ago if I wasn't so self conscious of my size. I finally built up the courage and joined. I wish I had joined years ago when I was first interested. Our Hapkido family always accepts anyone with open arms and are non-judgmental. If you have ever thought about learning self defense and want to get in shape while doing it, I highly encourage you to Just Hapkido It! You won't regret it.