NOTE: In class the instructor may modify, add, omit or substitute a particular element to accommodate students who have physical limitations due to age or disability.  The Instructors always ensure that the syllabus modification will still develop strong defensive skill sets.

Green Belt Table of Contents


  • Jung Mu Hapkido Kwan Dobok (Uniform)
  • Males need groin cup
  • Females need a sports bra
  • Plain black crew neck t-shirt

CORE CONCEPTS 개념 (gaenyeom):

  • All previous basic concepts, methods, and techniques (Nyom / Bup / Sool)
  • Harmony Principle (Wha)
  • V-Lock (Sonmok Kukki)
  • Self-Defense (Hoshin-Sool)
  • Introduction to throwing concepts (Tangida)
  • Strikes (Chigi)
  • Kicks (Chagi)
  • Breath Control 1 (Tanjun Ho Hub)
  • Meditation (Mookyum)

JEONGSIN 정신 Aspiration / Patience (Poboo / Keungi) )

Aspiration / Patience (Poboo / Keungi) As previously stated, this manual is for the adult Hapkido student. In the adult Jung Mu Hapkido syllabus, there is no purple belt. However, for the teen student, the tenant for the purple belt stage of training is Patience. Thus, at green belt, there are two tenants for the adults. As adults we understand that aspiration and patience go hand in hand. When we aspire or desire to accomplish something we set as a goal, we must have patience. As an example, if we want to be very skilled at Hapkido we must have the patience to study our movements slowly at first and make them smooth and flowing. If we do this, we ensure that we correctly imprint the correct movement as muscle memory. With time you will naturally progress into speed and accuracy in your skill sets.  

Just like the previous tenants, Potential, Discipline, and Loyalty, Aspiration and Patience, are additional mile markers on our Hapkido journey to self-transformation. They are also vital and effective tools in our daily battle with our own ego.


As you become more competent with the skills sets you have developed thus far, you will begin to feel more confident. You begin to see your skill sets develop as effective self-defense tools. Most adult students at the green belt level describe the feeling of training as exciting! At green belt you are introduced to the third family of locks. The V-Lock family.

You will also combine the linear and circular families of kicks together to form a third family of kicks, as you learn your first spinning kick.

You will begin to combine the mental focus of the spirit yell and your tanjun breathing exercise to begin exploring meditation and will also begin to explore the methods of throwing.  


In Hapkido we do not meet an attacker’s force, or energy, with direct force when faced with an attack. Instead with we move using our eight directional movements to deflect or redirect the energy of the opponents force away from us.  If we are grabbed or held, we apply the same principle of non-resistance. If we are pushed, we pull. If we are pulled, we push. If we apply the first two principles, circle, and water, together in unison, (harmony), we can take control of our opponent and control the outcome of our movement.

Instead of two opposing forces clashing against each other, we can yield to the opponent’s energy. Join with it. Take control of it. Then send the energy back to him along with our energy, derived from the circular movement.

LOCKING CONCEPT (V-Lock –Sonmok Kukki)

The V-lock is a very effective way of taking away your training partner’s structure. The V-lock can be utilized in many different situations including holds, grabs, pushes, and punches. It is one of the three families of locks, and you will add many variations of this effective and versatile lock to your skill set toolbox as you progress on your Hapkido journey.

Attributes to consider:

  • Just like every locking concept, proper grip is paramount. No holes in the grip! In other words, there should be no gap between your palm and the back of your training partner’s hand regardless of the type of V-lock being applied.
  • Inside 90°! You will hear the instructor constantly repeating “inside 90°!”, when doing the V-lock during concept drills to remind you to keep the angle of the wrist and elbow inside a 90° angle when applying the lock.

Remember. Like everything else in this syllabus, you must experience it to understand it. You cannot learn it from this webpage. This page is just a study guide and reference guide to aid you in your studies.  

4th GUP Self -Defense Technique (Ho Shin Sul / Hap Ki Sul)

Green belt self-defense, (Ho Shin Sul) will include all the previous concepts and methods and ad circular punch, and choke defenses to your list of requirements for grading.

You will also be introduced to defense against kicks. Utilizing your balance taking methods that you began developing at white belt, you will apply them against the front pushing kick as well as the round and side kick.

You must continue to drill all your previous defensive methods as well.

  • Inside circular escapes
  • Outside circular escapes
  • Hair grabs
  • Collar grabs rear
  • Collar / Lapel grabs front
  • Front kick balance breaking
  • Side kick balance breaking
  • Turning kick balance breaking
  • Circle punch defenses
  • Sleeve grabs front
  • Shoulder grabs front
  • Shoulder grabs rear
  • Straight punch
  • Push from the front
  • Side choke
  • One and two hand chokes

4th GUP Throwing Method (Tangida bup)

In Hapkido there are three main families of methods of hitting your training partner with the earth.

  • Trips – Nomojida
  • Sweeps – Huriki
  • Throws – Tangida

At this point in your training your instructor has relayed a thorough knowledge of the importance of ear to hip alignment in maintaining structure. All three families of methods use your structure to create leverage to control your training partner’s body mass.

It is very important to keep in mind that there is no sport component to Hapkido. The purpose of tripping, sweeping, and throwing is to take away or otherwise limit an attacker’s ability to continue aggression toward you. Remember, these methods are taught and applied in combination with strikes, kicks, locks, and holds.

  • Outside reap – Batdari huriki
  • Inside reap – Ahdwichook huriki

4th GUP Strikes (Elbow Strike – Pahlkumchi Chigi)

Just as with your basic punches and hammer fist strikes, your stance, footwork, and striking surface is paramount. The elbow strike, just like the palm strike, is one of the most powerful self-defense strikes in Hapkido. It is a close-range strike. The twisting movement of the body transfers a great deal of energy to the target. 

  • Inward Elbow Strike Palkumchi ahn chigi
  • Upward Elbow Strike Palkumchi olaga chigi
  • Outward Elbow Strike Palkumchi bakkat chigi
  • Rear rising Elbow Strike Palkumchi dwi-olaga chigi
  • Downward Elbow Strike Palkumchi naeru chigi

Some important attributes to keep in mind when doing your elbow strikes include:

  • When doing the inward elbow strike, always bring your hand to the opposite shoulder. This ensures that you follow all the way through the striking motion.
  • When doing the upward elbow strike, ensure that your open hand is brushing against the side of your head as if you are brushing your hair back. This ensures proper follow-through.
  • When doing the rearward rising elbow strike, ensure that your hand is brushing by your hip to that the strike is moving straight up to the rear in a vertical line through the target.
  • Your stance and movements are the same as your previous strikes.

4th GUP Kicks (Chagi)

The green belt level of your color belt journey is when you are introduced to the combined family of kicks. These are the kicks that combine the linear and circular family of kicks. All kicks in Hapkido are variations of three basic kicks. Front kick, side kick, and round kick. Remember, always take your time, and make each movement smooth and slow. Power and speed will come through repetition.

  • Inside crescent kick Ahn chagi
  • Outside crescent kick Bakkat chagi
  • Turning back side kick Dwi dora yeop chagi
  • Spin back crescent kick Dwi dora bakkat chagi